German public broadcasting: "Air cleaners are better in avoiding corona-virus spread then ventilatio

In fighting the corona-virus spreading air cleaners are more effective then air ventilation

💨 "Air cleaners are more effective in avioding corona-virus sprading then air ventilation", is the title of a research by the german public broadcasting service WDR, which can be found under following link and is provided below. In-classroom and in-room teaching and educating has re-started 🏫 That should not cause any carelessness in fighting the pandemic. Again attention and carefullness are important particular actions. A german study now shows: "Air cleaners do reduce the risk of an infection by virus-loaded aerosols in closed rooms significantly." That's why everyone should use our air cleaners in their educational institutions 👉 Click here, to get to know more about our air cleaning systems.

Link to WDR-research: Click here

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